Sunday Oct 6, 2024
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Friday October 4th 12-5pm
Saturday October 5th 10AM-5PM
Sunday October 6th 11AM-4PM
Fountain Inn Activity Center
610 Fairview Street
Fountain Inn SC 29644
$5 ticket to enter
Busy Bees Quilt Guild
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Three-day quilt show coming to Fountain Inn
Artful displays, sales and a special giveaway to be featured at bi-annual event
FOUNTAIN INN, South Carolina - The Busy Bee Quilt Guild of Fountain Inn along with Fountain Inn Chamber’s famous Aunt Het Festival on Saturday, will host a public quilt show October 4-6 at the Activity Center, 610 Fairview St., Fountain Inn.
The Guild of over 80 members will present their creative renderings though their display of more than 100 full-size quilts as well as other smaller projects, demonstrating the quilters’ ingenious ability to combine color and design.
“Some will bring subtle insight offering comfort and warmth. Others will be eye-catching and bright, “said Beth Osborne, the Guild’s Event Chair. “But in all, you will experience the realization that the ‘art of quilting’ isn’t just an ‘add on’ in a quilter’s life. It is instead a means to help the quilter articulate their vision as they join many pieces of fabric, into a grand design of shapes and colors.”
An added feature of this event is the sale of tickets for a chance to win the “Opportunity Quilt.” This quilt was created by members who came together and donated their time and talent to show how the unleashing of their combined creativity can best tell their story and express their love of quilting.
Tickets for a chance to win the quilt are $1 each or six for $5
Visitors also will have the opportunity to purchase unusual and one-of-a-kind items for gift-giving and/or hostess gifts that guild members have made over the past year. Additionally. a silent auction will feature larger quilts, wall hangings, table runners, gift baskets and more. Outside vendors will be there bringing offerings, large and small, that will tease and tantalize quilters and sewists alike. The show will also feature on-site quilt appraisal, and scissor sharpener services.
Drawings for both the Opportunity Quilt and baskets will be held on Sunday October 6. You don’t need to be present, but the anticipation of a potential win is always fun.
The show will run Friday October 4th noon to 5 p.m. Saturday October 5th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday October 6th.